

邮件用户代理(Mail User Agent,MUA):即通常所说的邮件客户端软件,它帮助用户读写和管理邮件。

邮件传输代理(Mail Transport Agent,MTA):在邮件传递过程中经过的一系列中转服务器的统称,它们将邮件发给最终收件服务器或其他的中转服务器。

邮件投递代理(Mail Deliver Agent,MDA):即收件服务器,它负责接收并保存发给用户的邮件。











(6)、如果连接失败,则选择第二优先级MX mx2.qq.com,重试步骤4,仍然不行尝试mx3





3.《lINUX E-MAIL》中关于DNS记录在email中应用的说明

How does an SMTP server discover to which host a message for a certain domain should be delivered? The recipient domain is, not surprisingly, used as the key in one or more DNS lookups. The first lookup that is made is for the mail-specific MX record—the mail exchanger record type. The MX entry allows the DNS operator to specify the hostname or hostnames of servers that can receive mail for a certain domain. For example, MX records can be used to specify that messages to someone at example.com should be sent to mail.example.com. If the recipient domain does not have an MX record, an attempt is made to find an A record for the recipient domain. If the A record lookup succeeds, the mail will be delivered to the host. If both the MX and A lookups do not return any results, the message is deemed undeliverable and is returned to the sender.
